Helldivers 2 Gameplay Pode ser divertido para qualquer um
We see a mixture of combat and animated cinematics walking us through several environments, which is the first look we have at the vast landscapes on offer within Helldivers 2
It is now up to you, Helldiver, to don your cape and take back Super Earth’s colonies once and for all. You will be fighting these vile, freedom-hating foes on two fronts, as Super Earth works to implement a solution to the Terminid scourge.
, which provided a deeper look at how certain weapons can be used and how fights against the onslaught of alien creatures will feel.
The game is still as chaotic and as fun as the first game. With the added caveat that the game is now third-person so that you don’t commit as much friendly fire as before. Of course, this isn’t to say that the game doesn’t have friendly fire or even self-inflicted damage, but that’s part of the fun.
Blow the doors off! Things can be destroyed in Helldivers 2, and some of the optional objectives will encourage you to blow places to bits. Sometimes when you find points of interest, you'll see crates or doors nearby. Throw a grenade and open them up to find even more loot.
The same faster-than-light travel technology, heroically liberated from the Illuminates, that gave Super Earth access to the galaxy, has since been used to colonize it. This period has come to be known as The Great Democratization.
Many games that support cross-platform play also allow you to carry your progress over to other versions as long as you link your accounts on different platforms together, but this isn't one of them. Sadly, Helldivers 2 does not support cross-save or cross-progression right now.
In fact, the best kit comes from the standard Warbond, so the game is hardly pay-to-win — especially since you can't use money to buy medals.
If you don't manage to make it out alive, you can also earn the Job's done! trophy, where you complete the main objective but fail to extract.
There are some genuine frame-rate drops in the mix, with the game dropping to the high 20s, although these aren't very common. The PC version has a serviceable options menu with a typical range of selectables, including texture quality, shadow quality, volumetrics quality, and options for screen-space reflections and screen-space global illuminations. Sticking to the standard quality presets, low settings dramatically alters the terrain and decimates shadows and should really be avoided if at all possible. Medium makes the terrain match the collison, greatly improves shadow res, and adds TAA, ambient occlusion, and additional foliage. The high preset adds in more foliage and improves shadows, and the ultra preset looks very similar to high but with extra shadow detail. Performance-wise, there's a huge FPS boost by sliding down to the low preset, though the other presets are pretty similar in performance based on testing using an RTX 4090.
However, now the game has released, this page can be used to see how the information we had compares to the experience itself.
Those small details contrast against the environment especially nicely because of the game's use of relatively high-resolution shadowmaps. Other elements of the lighting perhaps don't fare as well. The worlds are generally lit convincingly enough, but when you get up close you can spot some light leak in places, and shadowed regions tend to have a bit of a flat look. I'm not sure we're looking at pre-calculated, 'baked' lighting. I think instead we're seeing the typical mix of screen-space ambient occlusion and shadowmaps to shade in some of those finer details, which works well for the big picture stuff but doesn't hold up quite as well on close examination. The same can be said for reflections, which exhibit typical screen-space reflection 'skirting'. After surveying the game's graphical tech, I wasn't quite sure what we were looking at. UE4 seemed like an obvious choice, but it didn't seem well-suited for this kind of big multiplayer game with open-world environments.
O nome “Helldivers”, algo tais como “mergulhadores do inferno”, vem do mergulho de que os personagens fazem para entrar na fases, direto pelo ambiente por conflito. Aprecie, a seguir, Muito mais detalhes A respeito de a gameplay e requisitos do Helldivers 2.
The quality level is high, presenting without obvious aliasing, even on the PS5 in its performance mode. The clouds are also volumetric in nature, at least at lower levels of the atmosphere, and resolve without distracting artifacting. Low-lying fog also appears to be part of the equation, with ground-level fog often giving planets a certain ethereal quality. Environmental density is impressive. There's a lot of scattered rocks, shrubs, and tufts of grass throughout the various planets. Given the size and scope of the game I have to imagine that procedural systems have been used extensively here, but the final results look quite conterraneo. Foliage in particular can be generously placed, with some Helldivers 2 Gameplay especially verdant garden worlds. I did note animation issues with the foliage on at least one planet but on a more macro level, lighting and assets come together to make each world feel distinct, giving each environment some nice vistas.